Newsflash – Friday 29th March 2019

Read this week's edition of Newsflash to find out how Year 10 GCSE Drama students staged their own productions as part of their coursework assessment portfolios. 

Also in the news this week;

  • GCSE Geography Fieldtrip to the East Coast
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Combined Cadet Force
  • GCSE Countdown -Year 11, there are only 5 school weeks left, just 25 days in school, until the GCSE examinations
  • Progress Update
  • Politeness Matters!
  • Student of the Week
    • Mohamed Badje Sane, Year 9
    • Ellie Georgia Ashcroft, Year 10
  • Charity Swim
  • Important reminder for all students
  • Reminders and Messages
    • Book Amnesty 
    • Lost Property
    • Tameside Parenting Support Survey
  • Dates for your Diary
    • GCSE Geography residentials to the East Yorkshire Coast will take place over the weekends of:
      • 29th – 31st March 2019
      • 26th – 28th April 2019
    • Year 11 Parent Teacher Consultation Evening – Thursday 4th April 2019
    • The Academy will break up for the Easter Holiday on Friday 5th April 2019
